Catahoula Orthoquartzite

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Catahoula Orthoquartzite is an opaline cemented sandstone that may range from white to gray, tan, black, green, or almost clear with black angular inclusions giving a "peppered" appearance.

Medium to fine grain

Luster: Vitreous to dull

Translucency:  Opaque to slightly translucent

Silica Fabrics / Fossils:

Patina: Chalky white

Heat Treatment: 



























































Distribution Comments:
Catahoula Othroquartzite is associated with the Catahoula Formation of Mississippi, and Louisiana.  This formation does extend into Arkansas, Texas, and Tamaulipas , but the formation becomes more tuffaceous rather than sandstone and does not commonly have the opaline cement.  Formation has been reported into Alabama, but no references to opaline cemented sandstone was found.  Catahoula Orthoquartzite occurs as beds and nodules in creeks, low valley walls, and low hills where water is more common.  Outcroppings are more abundant in Copiah, Hinds, and Clairborne counties, Mississippi.
Projectile point made from this material:

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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

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