Hathaway Chert
AKA: St. Albans Chert

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Hathaway Chert ranges from a homogenous olive green to black or a  olive green with black mottling.  Argillite also occurs in this formation.

Fine grain

Luster: Waxy on freshly fractured surfaces, matte on weathered surfaces.

Translucency:  Opaque

Silica Fabrics / Fossils:  Radiolarian


Heat Treatment: 


























































Distribution Comments:

Hathaway Chert is associated with the Hathaway Formation of Vermont.  Primarily occurs as beds in the Adirondack lowlands and Lake Champlain lowlands (west of the Orwell and Champlain thrusts).  Exposures occur in Franklin and Grand Isle counties, Vermont.  Quarries include the Brooks Farm Quarry and Kill Kare State Park near St. Albans.


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