Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By:  Michael Moratto
Named For:  Type Site
Date Identified:  1972
Type Site:  Buchanan Site, Buchanan Reservoir, California
Point Validity: Valid type

Moratto is an anthropologist who has been a professor at many universities throughout California including the California State University and San Francisco State University and now serves as senior archaeologist for a research firm.  He named this point is a professional publication.  This type has many professional references and is considered a valid type.
Buchanan Eared
Cluster: Humboldt Cluster
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a medium to large lanceolate point with an elliptical or median ridge cross section.  The blade has an outward recurved shape, flaring out towards the base.  Some examples may have weak shoulders above the ears, while others will have a straight blade up to the point that the base flares out forming ears.  The base may vary from concaved to notched.  The classic flaking pattern is oblique transverse, but also may have a random flaking pattern.     
Size Measurements:

Total Length - 25 to 125 mm (average 35 to 45 mm),  Max Blade Width - 14 to 32 mm,  Basal Width - 18 to 31 mm,  Basal Concavity - 3 to 7 mm,  Thickness - 6 to 11 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:

This point is considered to be a variant of the Humboldt point.  A similar Humboldt type, Humboldt Expanded Base has a Great Basin distribution.  It has been suggested that the Buchanan Eared and the Humboldt Expanded Base may represent the same type.  Buchannan Eared are often found in association with Mendocino Concave Base which is often considered the same as the Humboldt point.  Humboldt Expanding Base are often found in association with Humboldt points.
Distribution Comments:

This point is found through out the southern Sierra Nevada region and into the southern Central Valley of California (red),  This point is considered a regional variant, or possibly the same type, of the Humboldt Expanding Base point which has a Great Basin distribution (yellow)
Age / Periods:
Date: 4,000 - 1,500 B.P.
Cultural Period:Late to Transitional Archaic
Glacial Period: Middle Holocene to Roman Warm
Age Details:
Similar Points:
Black RockPinto ShoulderlessTulare Lake
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Humboldt Constricting Base, Humboldt Basal Notched,Humboldt, Humboldt Expanding Base,
Mendocino Concave

Pictures Provided By:
Western Artifacts
Rob of the Rock
Windy City Artifacts
Artifact Hunter

 Buchanan Projectile Point, Buchanan Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

16, 23, 30, 32, 35