Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By: Dan F. Morse
Named For: Type Site  
Date Identified:  1963
Type Site:  Steuben Site, Fulton County, Illinois
Point Validity: Valid type

Morse is an anthropologist who was a professor at the University of Arkansas.  He served as an archaeologist for the Arkansas Archaeological Survey.  This point was named in a professional publication and has many professional references.  This is considered a valid type.

Cluster: Lowe / Steuben Cluster
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a medium expanding stem point with an elliptical cross section.  The blade ranges from excurvate to straight.  Parallel notches create horizontal to upward angling shoulders.  The stem is expanding and generally broad.  The base may be straight to slightly convex base and lack basal grinding.  This point was manufactured using random percussion flaking with marginal pressure retouch forming a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements:

Length - 30 to 78 mm (45 to 55 mm average), Stem Length - 10 to 18 mm (12 to 15 mm average),  Blade Width - 13 to 32 mm (21 mm average),  Neck Width - 13 to 22 mm,   Stem Width - 15 to 32 mm (23 mm average), Thickness - 7 to 10 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Locally available cherts with heat treatment commonly used. Occasionally exotic materials Burlington chert and heat treated Croton Tabular chert are used.
Additional Comments:

This cluster was used in the middle to late Woodland period. These points replaced the large corner notch points (Snyders), and were replaced by Jacks Reef, Intrusive Mound, Knight Island, and Raccoon Creek points (Justice 1987).

Steuben points have overlapping characteristic, or are identical to Bakers Creek, Chesser Notched, Lowe Flared-Base, Monona Stemmed, and McCoy Corner-Notched. Some of these names may simply be regional expressions for the same type (Morrow, 2016)
Distribution Comments:

This point is most common in Illinois, Missouri, eastern Iowa, southern Wisconsin, and into Minnesota and Indiana.
Age / Periods:
Date: 1,700 - 1,400 B.P.
Cultural Period: Woodland
Glacial Period: Roman Warm
Age Details:
Similar Points:
Conrad, Durst
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Bakers Creek, Chesser, Columbia, Lowe

Pictures Provided By:
As Illustrated by Perino, 1971
Jeff Smith
Mandy Zeigler
Katie Jackson
William Rees

 Steuben Projectile Point, Steuben Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

23, 30, 37, 168, 179, W2