Hardyston Quartzite
AKA: Hardyston Chalcedony

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color: Hardyston Quartzite ranges from a milky white to light blue to a light yellowish brown to a gray, grayish brown, or black.

Medium to Fine grain

Luster: Courser grain may be dull with finer grain being satin to vitreous

Translucency:  Opaque to semi-translucent

Silica Fabrics / Fossils:

Patina: Light yellow or brown

Heat Treatment: 


























































Distribution Comments:

Hardystone Quartzite is associated with the sandstone and quartzite members of the Hardyston Formation of northern New Jersey and northeastern Pennsylvania.  Primarily occurring as beds and nodules from the Delaware River in Bucks County extending through Lehigh and Berks counties to the Schuykill River.  The primary major quarries for this material include the Durham quarry, Vera Cruz Quarry, Macungie quarry, and Bowers Station quarry, but many smaller quarries also exist.


Projectile point made from this material:

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