Iron Hill Jasper
AKA: Newark Jasper

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Iron Hill Jasper ranges from a mottled mustard yellow to brown, dark brown, brownish black, and red.  White quartz inclusions or streaking may be present.

Fine grain

Luster: Waxy to vitreous 

Translucency:  Opaque

Silica Fabrics / Fossils:


Heat Treatment:  Heat treatment produced a reddish color and increases the luster.

Knapping:  High knapping quality

























































Distribution Comments:

Iron Hill Jasper is associated with the Newark Gabbo Formation and occurs on Iron Hill in Delaware.  Primarily occurs as boulders and nodules with specific quarries including; Iron Hill Cut Quarry located on the ridge east of the Penn Central Northeast Corridor railroad tracks south of the I-95 overpass.  Iron Hill School Quarry located on the southern slope of Iron Hill along an unnamed tributary of Muddy Run, and the Cooch Complex Quarry located on the eastern Slope of Iron Hill along a small unnamed tributary of the Christina River.  This is part of the Delaware Chalcedony Complex.

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