Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By:  Angel Garcia Cook
Named For: 
Date Identified:  1967
Type Site:  Cueva de la Nopalera, Hidalgo
Point Validity: Valid type

Cook was an influential anthropologist for the Instituto Nacoinal de Antropologia e Historia.  He conducted extensive research in the Basin of Mexico.  This type was defined in his research at Cueva de la Nopalera.   
Bulverde - Nopalera Stemmed
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a medium to large triangular stemmed point with an elliptical cross section.  The blade may vary from excurvate to straight.  The shoulders may range from strongly barbed to slightly barbed.  Re-sharpened examples may have an almost horizontal shoulder.  The stem ranges from straight to slightly contracting.  The base varies from straight to slightly concave.  The stem is rectangular and has basal thinning which gives the stem a thin wedge shaped, but lacks hafting region smoothing.  Most examples are finely flaked with good workmanship.  This point has a random flaking pattern. 
Size Measurements:

Length - 53 to 85 mm, Stem Length - 9 to 13 mm,  Blade Width - 25 to 29 mm, Basal Stem Width - 14 to 17 mm, Thickness - 5 to 9 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:

Cook (1967) lists this as a Bulverde variation and lists Bulverde as points found at
Cueva de la Nopalera.  Pictures 1 and 2 are examples of Bulverde Nopalera points and picture 3 he lists as Bulverde.  When Cook conducted his research he used Texas topology and applied those names to points with similar outline.  He did not take into account, or have access to, the normal distribution of each point.  The Bulverde point is primarily found in central Texas and has not been reported in southern Tamaulipas, Tehuacan Valley, or the Valley of Mexico.  In addition, the point he lists as a Bulverde point appears to be beveled and appears to have a reduced blade as a result from re-sharpening the point.  This type may not be related to the Bulverde points of Texas, but the name Bulverde-Nopalera has been retained.
Distribution Comments:

This type is reported in This type has been reported at Cueva de la Nopalera, Hidalgo, Mexico.  These points are thought to be found throughout the Valley of Mexico. (***see additional comments***)
Age / Periods:
Date: 2,500 - 900 B.P.
Cultural Period:Preclassic to Tercer Period
Glacial Period:
Age Details:
These points had primary usage in level 4 with decreased frequency in level 3 at Cueva de la Nopalera.
Similar Points:
Bella VistaCastrovilleEncino Type IIMarcos NopaleraTecolate Type ITepeapulcoXihuingo
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:

Pictures Provided By:
Cook, 1967

 Bulverde - Nopalera Projectile Point, Bulverde - Nopalera  Arrowhead
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